Thank you for your being a vital part of our Choir School family. To ensure that the Choir School of Delaware will continue lifting voices and lifting lives beyond the COVID-19 public health crisis, we need your help.
Please read the below statement of support to be sent to your Delaware Assembly Representative and Senator. You can sign by filling out the information to the right and we will submit on your behalf.
Dear {{Legislator}},
I am writing today regarding House Bill 260, the Grant-in-Aid appropriation bill for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. As you meet to make decisions for the upcoming Fiscal Year, I respectfully ask that you consider the Choir School in your allocation of funds. It is time to invest in a program that aims to affect long-term and systemic change; a program that has a 136-year legacy of lifting lives through lifting voices in one of the state’s most impoverished communities.
The Choir School of Delaware, a 501(c)(3) community center, has been receiving significantly less funding than its peer groups.. Having made measurable differences in the Wilmington area for decades,we hope to have your support in increasing allocated funding to $30,000 to support the work of this outstanding organization.
The Choir School of Delaware provides a lifeline for Wilmington students and their families. More than just a choir, the Choir School serves as “a community center that sings.” They create a more equitable Wilmington by providing year-round academic support, opportunities for personal development, superior music education, and access to community resources. The Choir School’s programming addresses the underlying and root causes of generational poverty and socioeconomic disparities.
Without the Choir School and its community partners, Delaware’s achievement gap and racial/wealth divide will continue to grow at an exponential rate which may reach a level from which we cannot recover.
Outcomes of the Choir School’s Holistic program offerings:
- Choir School choristers have a 100% high school graduation rate
- 100% of elementary and middle schoolers were promoted to the next grade level
- 90% of Choir School students were determined as reading ready or reading proficient
- 93% of students maintained or advanced in English/Language Arts and Mathematics
- 98% of students maintained or advanced in overall academic studies
- 0 students were expelled from school
- 0 students were entered into the juvenile justice system
- Choir School students attend school 14% more of school days than their peers
- 100% of students participated in wellness and personal development programs offered through a partnership with ChristianaCare and the Choir School
{{Supporter Name}}