This document is to provide guidance on the choices made by Choir School of Delaware’s (CSD) staff and board members, as it pertains to COVID-19. The information and guidance provided in this document have been compiled from the Delaware Department of Education (DOE), Office of Child Care Licensing (OCCL), Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS), American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), the International Coalition Performing Arts Aerosol Study and Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Phase 1
All facets of the Choir School program during Phase 1 are held virtually.
Out-of-School Program
- The Choir School building is closed to all personnel, families and guests.
- After school and summer support hours offered on a virtual platform.
- Rehearsals conducted on a virtual platform.
- Scheduled performances are moved to a virtual platform when possible.
- Performances that can not be presented in a virtual platform will be rescheduled or cancelled.
- Staff and board members work remotely.
Phase 2
Phase 2 at the Choir School will be a hybrid program. After-school support including mentoring and tutoring as well as private lessons will take place virtually. Some rehearsals will take place virtually. Other rehearsals will take place in person with strict guidelines for in-person singing.
Out-of-School Program
- Tutoring and mentoring will be provided virtually.
- Private lessons will be provided virtually.
- Scheduling of support services will be based on students’ schedule and tutor/mentor availability.
- Rehearsals traditionally held on Wednesdays will take place virtually to prepare students for in-person rehearsals.
- In-person rehearsals for students will be held once a week.
- In-person rehearsals will be held in a large space where we can socially distance.
- Singers masks will be provided to all singers. Masks will be worn at all times during in-person rehearsals.
- When singing, we will rotate between large spaces every 30 minutes to ensure that air is being cycled.
- There will be a cap on the number of students in one room during a scheduled in-person rehearsal.
- Performances will be presented virtually.
- If a venue allows for proper social distancing, performances may be recorded live and streamed to the audience.
- No performances will be held in front of a live audience.
- Staff will continue to work remotely during office hours.
- Only essential personnel to run the in-person rehearsals will be in the building during those times. Guidance from OCCL on staff-student ratio will be followed.
- Board meetings will take place virtually.
Phase 3
Phase 3 at the Choir School will continue to be a hybrid program. In-person out-of-school programming will be expanded to include after-school activities.
Out-of-School Program
- CSD will create a schedule which allows all the students to access in-person academic support and music instruction while maintaining social distance and other safety protocols.
- There will be a limit on how many students can be in a group together in one room per guidance from OCCL.
- Only Choir School staff and students will be allowed in the building. Drop-off and pick up will take place outside the building.
- Volunteers will work with students virtually.
- All safety protocols will be followed during in-person gatherings.
- Rehearsals traditionally held on Wednesdays will take place virtually to prepare students for in-person rehearsals.
- In-person rehearsals for students will be held once a week.
- In-person rehearsals will be held in a large space where we can socially distance.
- Singers masks will be provided to all singers. Masks will be worn at all times during in-person rehearsals.
- When singing, we will rotate between large spaces every 30 minutes to ensure that air is being cycled.
- There will be a cap on the number of students in one room during a scheduled in-person rehearsal.
- Performances will be presented virtually.
- Performances will be recorded live and streamed to the audience.
- If a venue does not allow for proper social distancing, performances may be either assembled virtually or recorded in small pieces live.
- No performances will be held in front of a live audience.
- Staff may choose to work in the building during office hours.
- Only essential personnel to run the in-person rehearsals will be in the building during those times. Guidance from OCCL on staff-student ratio will be followed.
- Board meetings will continue to take place virtually.
Phase 4
Phase 4 at the Choir School will in many ways begin to operate close to 100% in-person.
Out-of-School Program
- All safety protocols will be followed.
- Volunteers will be welcomed back during student programming.
- Families will be welcomed back into the building during pick-up and drop-off.
- Restrictions on group size will be gradually loosened.
- More rehearsals will be in person with safety protocols in place.
- Performances will be presented virtually.
- Performances will be recorded live and streamed to the audience.
- No performances will be held in front of a live audience.
- All staff may be in the building at any given time.
- Board meetings may return to in-person meetings pending a decision of the board.
Phase 5
Phase 5 at the Choir School will make new considerations for audiences.
Out-of-School Program
- All safety protocols will be followed.
- Volunteers and families will be welcomed back during student programming.
- Rehearsals will be in person with safety protocols in place.
- Performances will be held for a limited audience.
- All staff may be in the building at any given time.
- Board meetings may return to in-person meetings pending a decision of the board.
Phase 6
During Phase 6 at the Choir School, all operations will be 100% in-person. Audiences will be allowed at in-person performances with no restrictions.
In-Person Safety Protocols During Reopening Phases
The Choir School of Delaware will follow a plan that protects everyone during the pandemic. These protocols will be in effect until the state of Delaware has safely and successfully moved through all reopening phases.
- The Choir School of Delaware (CSD) will encourage all persons who enter the building to practice everyday preventative measures such as frequent hand washing, refraining from touching the face, covering a cough or sneeze with an elbow, and practicing social distancing (keeping at least 6 feet of distance between you and another person).
- Signage will be posted recommended by the Division of Public Health (DPH).
- The CSD will follow the current requirements for cloth face coverings. All staff and volunteers working in the facility must wear cloth face coverings while working with students.
- DPH guidance regarding face coverings for children will be enforced. In cases where someone entering the facility does not have a mask, CSD will provide a mask.
- The CSD will deny entry to anyone over the age of 12 who is not wearing a face covering, if one is not available to be provided to that person.
- Hand sanitizer will be made available upon entering the CSD and in all restrooms, student areas, and offices.
Stable Groups and Social Distancing
CSD will adhere to the following requirements for group size and mixing of groups:
- Only the maximum allowable group size per DELACARE regulations will be allowed in a room.
- Groups will consist of the same children and staff each day, and mixing of groups will be restricted as much as possible
- Groups will be kept at least 6 feet apart.
- The CSD will suspend the use of all outside contractors, programs, and entertainment, both indoors and outdoors, except:
- Contractors doing work outside of child care hours (ensure that proper cleaning/sanitizing has been conducted before children re-enter the facility or areas where work was being done)
- The CSD will adhere to the following additional cleaning and sanitizing practices:
- Staff and children must sanitize hands upon entering a room and upon leaving
- All hard surfaces must be sanitized twice a day and as needed
- All frequently touched surfaces (doorknobs, light switches, faucets and phones) will be sanitized frequently throughout the day
- Access to food preparation areas should be restricted to only staff who are essential to food preparation
- The CSD will ensure that meals, if served, are individually plated. Students will eat their meal in an assigned room, socially distanced.
Arrival, Drop-Off and Screening Procedures
- Staff will stay at home if they are sick, and remind parents to monitor children for signs of illness and keep them home if they are sick.
- Arrival/drop-off times will be staggered with consideration of school dismissal times. Pick-up times will limit direct contact with parents as much as possible.
- Adults who drop off and pick up children must do so at the entrance of our facility, not inside the facility.
- Staff will receive the children and see that they arrive safely to the CSD.
- CSD will ensure that all those who come to the CSD do not have an elevated temperature before entering the facility. This will be done by actively monitoring a person’s temperature with touchless thermometers before entrance to the facility.
- Personnel screening for fever will wear gloves and face masks per CDC recommendations while screening and monitoring temperatures.
Screening Symptoms
- A child who has symptoms of illness will not be admitted to the CSD or remain at the CSD without written documentation from a health care provider (or verbal with written follow-up) that states the child has been diagnosed and the illness or symptoms pose no serious health risk to the child or to other children.
- If a child reports or is noted to have body temperature at or above 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit, a parent/guardian or authorized non-custodial adult must pick up the child from the Choir School to protect other students.
- Persons with a reported fever will be isolated in the rest area and will be screened for other symptoms including: cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of smell or taste.
In the event that the CSD experiences a positive case of COVID-19 in a staff member or child, the Division of Public Health will be notified within one business day of learning of the illness at 1-888-295-5156 or and will discuss next steps and cleaning guidance specific to the facility. The CSD will temporarily close and offer all programming virtually until proper clearing measures have been taken.
If the person is otherwise symptomatic and considered at risk for COVID-19 exposure, the person may not be admitted to the facility and should be isolated at home.
Return to Work Care Criteria
- The person should remain at home for a total of 7 days after symptoms have resolved, defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath); and at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared before being permitted to return to work or child care.
- Three days after symptoms resolve, patients are no longer required to self-isolate at home; however, they must continue to practice strict social distancing, avoid sustained close contact with others, and maintain good hand hygiene for the remaining four days (for a total of seven days) before returning to work. Staff or children who have been excluded may return after this 7 day period but should continue to recognize the risk of infectiousness and self-monitor for symptoms.
- If at any time a doctor confirms the cause of the persons fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 and approves them to return to work or care, then the CSD shall follow the appropriate DELACARE Regulations and their facility’s policies in regard to return to work or child care.
Virtual Learning
Virtual learning will be part of the planned process both in-person and outside of CSD. Students will use laptops and other devices to meet with volunteers, mentors, and other collaborative partners via Zoom while at the CSD and at home. Rehearsals will be held virtually until it is safe to gather again in person to sing.
Students are expected to participate in virtual programming every day that it is scheduled. Students are expected to leave the camera on during live work sessions with tutors and classes. Students will dress appropriately for live online meetings. Students are expected to do assigned work and to be present and punctual.
Devices will be monitored to ensure that students are completing necessary work and are being safe online. Use of these technologies is designed for educational purposes and families will be responsible for monitoring students’ use of said systems while at home.
Loaner Devices
The CSD can provide a device for students to use while at the CSD facility. If a student is in need of a loaner device to use at home to participate in virtual activities while not at the CSD, a loaner agreement form must be completed.